Polarity Returns!

Richard Engling
Hey Everybody-

2018 was the last time I sent out a blog post. (If you read to the bottom, I’ll tell you why). But now there’s some Polarity news! Polarity Ensemble Books is coming back to life with the idea to serve a small collective of authors. The first new novel, now in the editing process, is a comedy set in the Chicago storefront theatre scene (something we know a little about from our days of Polarity Ensemble Theatre). We hope to have it out by the end of the year.

In the meantime, we still have a few of our earlier books available, and we’d love to have you read them–and please, please, please leave a review on Amazon. This makes a huge difference in the books being seen by others. We have an extremely limited advertising budget.

Today only, the “charmed and romantic” VISIONS OF ANNA is free on Amazon. We really want you to leave a review! If you’ve already read it, grab a free copy anyway and leave a review. Then Amazon will mark your review as a confirmed purchaser.

Click here for a description and your free copy.

Click here to leave a review.


The futuristic dystopian detective thriller, BODY MORTGAGE, originally published by Penguin Books, is on sale for $2.99. Chicago private eye Gregory Blake attempts to protect a client facing foreclosure on his organs for transplants to the wealthy.

Click here to learn more.

Click here to leave a review.

So, I promised to tell you about the lack of blog posts. One of the last posts I wrote was called A Novelist’s Guide to Relieving Grief. You can see it at that link, if you like. The title originally said Depression rather than Grief. If you let too much unrelieved grief build up, I suggested, it can lead to depression. Anyway, I had a couple people write to me complaining that I had no business or qualifications to be writing about depression, which is a medical condition. Well, maybe not, although I did title it “A Novelist’s Guide” not a psychiatrist’s guide. And the article described a ritual I’d found helpful to me, which I thought might be helpful to others.

The emails came from just two people, but they just kept coming. It was amazing to me how heated they were. And it kind of put me off writing blog posts.

So, maybe it’s time to get over that. What do you think?

All my best,



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